Taekwondo - Sunshine State Games Tournament - Friday, June 16, 2023 – Sunday, June 18, 2023
Hey TKD Family -
Per the requests of some of the students, I did some looking around for tournaments in Florida, and this seems like it could be a really fun one! Quick overview: there’s Sparring, Breaking, Forms, and Weapon Forms categories to compete in. It seems like everyone had a really fun time at the last tournament back in the fall. That tournament was really fun, plus, they took every style of forms, so relative to most competitions, not much work was needed to prepare for it. That being said, anyone wanting to compete in this tournament must let me let me know no later than Monday, MARCH 13th!
Deadline to let Mr. McMurray know if you wish to compete: Monday, March 13th
This deadline is so that we have time to properly prepare. People who wish to compete in forms would need to learn a different style form to compete with, which is not hard and would not take long. People who wish to spar would need extra sparring time in classes - and the same goes for weapons and breaking. Everyone has the potential to do really well if we together come up with a strong training routine and stick with it leading up for the competition :-)
Below are some of the highlights about the tournament, as well as links for the rulebook/events overview, signup, etc. If this is of interest to you, make sure to:
1. Read over the handbook
2. Talk with Mr. McMurray before March 13th
3. Make sure to signup for the tournament in time and order the proper gear in advanced (no, I do not have a storage of their required supplies)
4. Come up with a training routine and stick with it!
5. Optional: correspond with others to coordinate training together on days we do not have classes (just no Free Sparring outside the dojang).
Auburndale Community Center 405 Bennett Street Auburndale, FL 33823
Date: Friday, June 16, 2023 – Sunday, June 18, 2023
Register: https://sunshinestategames.com/taekwondo/
Handbook: https://sunshinestategames.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023-SSSG-TKD-Information-package.pdf
Gyoroogi (Sparring): Electronic scoring will be used for all divisions; Sparring competition will be single elimination for all Color Belts and Black Belts;
Note: All USA Taekwondo Junior Safety Rules apply. 11 and under color belt divisions and 7 and under black belt divisions may not kick the head. 8-9 and 10-11 black belts are allowed head contact under Junior Safety Rules (light head contact). 12 and up color belts will be allowed head contact under Junior Safety rules.
Gear: All USA Taekwondo Junior Safety Rules apply. 11 and under color belt divisions and 7 and under black belt divisions may not kick the head. 8-9 and 10-11 black belts are allowed head contact under Junior Safety Rules (light head contact). 12 and up color belts will be allowed head contact under Junior Safety rules.
You must supply you own Daedo electronic footpads (Either Gen 1 or 2 footpads are allowed). If you do not have the scoring footpads, you may purchase them at http://daedotruescore.corecommerce.com/Electronic-Sparring-Gear/E-Foot-Gearp21.html
Goypka (Breaking): Breaking boards must be purchased at the competition venue upon check-in must supply their own holders
Weapons: weapons forms
Power Breaking: - 18+ BB only (sorry!)
Poomsae (Forms) – Traditional (any recognized taekwondo forms) - speak with Mr. McMurray to learn a form that corresponds with your rank – the forms you need for rank promotion at our school do NOT classify for this
Pre-registration entry fee is $50 for the first event and $10 for each additional event per participant and includes a State Games t-shirt; by Friday, May 5, 2023 (note: quite inexpensive as far as tournaments go!)
Regular registration entry fee is $60 for the first event and $10 for each additional event per participant. Late registrants are not guaranteed a t-shirt, so register early! by Friday, May 26, 2023.
Late registration entry fee is $70 for the first event and $10 for each additional event per participant; by Monday, June 12, 2023.
Uniforms: different style – make sure to speak with Mr. McMurray to purchase the proper one
Best of luck!
Mr. McMurray