Monday = review day
Wednesday = Beginner (W, Y, O) Testing starting at 5:15pm and goes until about 6:30pm
Saturday = Intermediate/Advanced Testing (LtG and up) starting at 10:45am until between 12:30-1:30pm
Women: remember to wear a white t-shirt under your uniform.
Men: if you are going to wear a t-shirt under your uniform, it must be white.
No bandanas are allowed during Testings.
Do you know what you need to earn 9s on your Testing?
Make you have enough stickers at this rank (class hours) -
Beginner Ranks (W, Y, O): 14 hours - minimum!
Intermediate Ranks (Lt G, G, Bl, P): 21 hours - minimum!
Advanced Ranks (R, Br, BB): 28 hours - minimum!
Do you have all three stripes on your belt?
Stripe 1 - knowing your Form
Stripe 2 - knowing you One-Steps
Stripe 3 - knowing your PDTs
(Blue 2 and Purple 2 need Stripe 4: Sparring Segment)
(Advanced Ranks: Stripe 1 for Form, Stripe 2 for PDTs, Stripe 3 for Board Breaking)
Good Luck ;-)